We're a network of doctors & medical students throughout New Zealand with a passion for serving Christ through our work in medicine.

CMFnz exists to nurture and develop communities of Christian medical professionals and medical students who are encouraging each other, praying together and growing in Christian faith and expression through the support of regional fellowship groups. We offer Saline Process Training to healthcare professionals, training them in integrated faith and practice, and run an annual Reflect Conference. We seek to be an effective national Christian voice on the medical and ethical issues our members are facing, and support the work of Christian doctors both locally and overseas.

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Check out this Rhema Radio Interview with our National Director Jen Collings to learn more about CMFnz and our upcoming conference hosted in partnership with NCFNZ! 

The support of each person in the CMFnz community - financially, in prayer, in volunteering your time, in membership - enables us to continue to input into new generations of medical students and medical professionals, offer life-changing training through Saline Process and Reflect Conferences, and to be an effective national Christian voice on the medical and ethical issues facing New Zealand.
Thank you for your support!


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